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- ===================================
- | ////// // // // ////// | The Internet Pirate Radio Listeners
- | // ////// // /////. | mailing list.
- | // // // // | Post Addr: PIRATE@ANARKY.ENET.DEC.COM
- | // // // ////// | Info Addr: BREWER@ACE.ENET.DEC.COM
- =================================== Keeper : John Brewer, Albuq. NM
- | 19 Oct 1990 Circulation 178 |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ Halloween approacheth! A favorite time for Pirate Broadcasts,
- [ this season also affords better propagation as well! Start looking
- [ for broadcasts this weekend and throughout the week, as there should
- [ be a multitude of them. Several (V. of the Purple Pumpkin?) choose
- [ this time as the ONLY time they broadcast throughout the year, so
- [ keep those receivers warmed up. Freqs to listen for are in the
- [ 7385-7420 range. More on this at the end of the digest.
- --------------------------
- [ Logs from lotsa places!
- --------------------------
- From: DECWRL::"driver8@stb.info.com" "Hugh Whats-his-name"
- To: anarky::pirate
- Subj: Re: ** Pirate SWL Mailing List ** 3 Oct 1990 **
- Finally some action here. I've been listening to RNI on WWCR, of course,
- and enjoying its spontaneity. Sounds like the more free form FM programs that
- used to be on local commercial stations on Sunday nights.
- Saturday (10/7 UTC around 0500 there were some USB guys having a QSO in
- Spanish on 7415 and 7416, and then an EE/OM saying, "Anyone around?" a few
- times. No broadcasts, however. Too bad, because conditions are really
- improving.
- Hugh Stegman NV6H
- driver8@stb.info.com
- -------------------------------------
- [Hugh, WHDA (the op from the VoOz?) seems to be doing a lot of QSOing
- [on 7415... I suspect that is who you have been hearing
- -------------------------------------
- From: DECWRL::"76535.474@CompuServe.COM" "Ben Fuller, Jr"
- To: 7415 <ANARKY::Pirate>
- Subj: Logs and things
- Here are some logs for last weekend:
- UNID 7415 khz @ 0025-0037 Oct. 7. Heard a long Pink Floyd riff
- followed by "Movin in Stereo" by the Cars. Abrupt s/off just as the
- latter song ended, almost as if there was a sudden euipment problem.
- CFBN 7415 khz @ 0244-0259 Oct. 7. Lots of static made copy difficult.
- Heard folk music, chanty-type songs, and possib. Judy Collins. Was
- able to copy ID and Wellsville address. This is the third time I've
- logged them all with the same poor quality. It must have something to
- do with their and this QTH's antenna alignments.
- Got an interesting bunch of stuff from W.O.R.K. A QSL/time card; a
- label for "Holiday Beer" (This seems legit from the Peoples Brewing
- Co. in Oshkosh WI); a WORK amenities order form; a note; and an offer
- for studio tapes if I send a blank to the Wellsville drop.
- --------------------
- From: DECWRL::"jburnell@kean.ucs.mun.ca" "MAIL-11 Daemon"
- To: anarky::pirate
- Subj: Loggings from Newfoundland
- Last Saturday evening seemed quite good for Europirate reception -- I
- heard three as well as One Voice Radio in the 19 m band. Reception was
- with an Icom IC-R71A receiver and a random wire antenna in my attic.
- 15050.1 ONE VOICE RADIO 2130-2137 UTC Mainly medically oriented talk.
- First time I note this one on 19 meters. Weak w/deep fades. 6 Oct.
- 6275.3 LIVE WIRE RADIO (England) 2226 UTC Noted in passing w/ID and
- rock tune. SINPO 24332. 6 Oct.
- 6232.4 tent. RADIO CALIFORNIA (DSWCI bulletin suggests this is in Belgium)
- 2230-2243, break in transmission then 2244-2246 fade out. Very weak w/rock
- mx, announcer in EG at 2240 and 2242 UTC w/ID + address, but due to low level
- I can't be 100% sure of ID! I have read that mailing address is P.O. Box
- 220342, D-5600, Wuppertal, FRG, and I think I heard bits of this at 2242 UTC.
- SINPO 13331. 6 Oct.
- 6228.9 JOLLY ROGER RADIO (Ireland) 0002-0009 pops, signal very weak +
- fading a lot, but was fortunate to get the ID + address at 0008 UTC. SINPO
- 14321. 7 Oct.
- One QSL received recently:
- JOLLY ROGER RADIO 6306.0 6 f/d cards for one rpt, v/s Joe Vincent, in 1 mo.
- The $1 I had sent as rp was returned.
- Question: Is anyone on the mailing list in Europe or in touch with the
- European pirate scene?
- Jean Burnell, Chemistry Dept., Memorial Univ., St. John's, Newfoundland
- jburnell@kean.ucs.mun.ca
- ---------------------------------------
- [ Jean, there are several members of the list that are in Europe.
- [ I trust they will contact you directly. If European members are having
- [ probs getting in contact with Jean, I'd be glad to relay.
- ---------------------------------------
- From: DECWRL::"lopez!flash@sharkey.cc.umich.edu" "Flash Hoser"
- To: anarky::pirate
- Saturday night/Sunday Morning (10-13 10-14) brought us a bounty! The
- Great White North Pirate Team had one of the best nights in our history.
- Dave (tomato@lopez) caught:
- 01:50z WHDA (We Hate Dead Air) with crazy skits including a guy who
- claims he owns all the newspapers and federal land, and can
- communicate with God. Also had a guy with a NAZI accent.
- Also pirate QSO's were HOT AND HEAVY ALL EVENING. Heard chatting in
- between broadcasts were
- Mr. Unidentified
- The Voice of OZ
- Hussein
- Comandante John
- KBLU came on at 7411.9 with upper sideband and terrible audio, but some
- entertaining programming. Music by the Beatles and other bands, and an
- address in Fort Worth Texas. Klaus Klandestine, who signs the paychecks
- gave an editorial saying "TURN IRAQ INTO A PARKING LOT" and encouraged
- listeners to write to the Ft. Worth Address, and he would forward the
- letters to congress.
- Immediately following KBLU, the venerable TUBE RADIO came on with
- their "Catch us if you can" Interval Signal.
- Tube did some skits we have heard before, including NUMB SKULL headache
- remedy. Also a commercial for BIG JOHN toilets, complete with the Jimmy
- Dean song in the background. Ray Cathode and Lady Diode (lady Dianne?)
- read letters and did skits. Gave the Baltimore Maildrop several times.
- TUBE mentioned the pirate: RADIO ANIMAL, who has been heard not only on
- 7415, but also called up RNI a couple weeks ago. Radio Animal lives in
- PITTSBURGH, and I am fairly sure the FCC knows this now, so I hope his
- transmitter is not in the Steel City.
- Following Tube Radio's sign off, there was a brief QSO between pirates,
- where two said that during their broadcasts they got "weird phone
- calls".
- One of them said his call sign was KUNT. I have never heard any
- programming from that station though.
- "Good night, Sleep Tight"
- "Don't let the FCC Bite"
- And then someone came on with TELETYPE JAMMING.
- I recorded the teletype and played the tape back through my PC SWL
- interface, and got the following:
- That is a ham call. The RTTY signal was on for only about 15 seconds.
- I bet the guy did not realize that if tapes were rolling (as mine was)
- the signal could be later decoded.
- [note:
- [ NOGMA is listed as a call from a Tech class licensee in Nebraska! /john]
- [
- Five straight hours of pirates, with hardly a break. AND NO MORE STATIC
- as the outside temperature here in the Great White North was in the
- 30's.
- It's gonna be a GREAT WINTER for PIRATE FANS!!!!!!!!
- ------------
- Well the glitz and glamour seems to be gone from RNI, though I still am
- a faithful Sunday Listener, it seems like many folks are no longer
- tuning in to their WWCR relay on Sunday Nights. Programming is pretty
- mundane and the energy level they had initially has diminished. They
- are getting more into politics, and playing protest songs, and now sound
- more like an early 1970's college campus station. The high point
- continues to be anything done by Johnny Lightning. The rest of the crew
- are just not as fun to listen to.
- It was interesting that RNI said on the air that they have made a
- decision "not to talk" about "a certain subject" because of a greater
- good. The subject is OBVIOUSLY Pirate Broadcasting. All their thumbing
- their nose at the FCC might have been a good pressure release, but
- considering that AL WEINER is up before the FCC now trying to get a
- legitimate license, and is being judged on his "character" rather than
- any other ability, it is not good business for RNI to make the FCC out
- to look like incompetent thugs (well take a gander at the RNI
- VIDEOTAPE)... Personally, I don't think it will do the boys much good.
- Uncle Charlie already hates Al Weiner. Just look at all the stuff he
- has done in the past. The MIDNIGHT STAR radio network. His
- "interpretation" of the studio relay station license he got for his
- station in Maine, and used to set up a broadcast station in Yonkers NY.
- and RNI itself on the Sarah. Nope. I will be surprised as all get out
- if Al can pull off a REAL license for RNI.
- And if he did, would ANYONE listen to it? As we have found with the RNI
- broadcasts over WWCR, when a pirate goes legit, more than half of the
- fun is GONE. When they have REAL COMMERCIALS and a HUGE SIGNAL, where
- is the thrill?
- Last night on our PIRATE WATCH CB NET, one of the Great White North
- Pirate Hunters suggested that the FCC should deregulate 7415, and just
- let people alone there. Well, what if there was LEGAL pirate
- broadcasting (a contridiction in terms, I KNOW)... Again, would it
- still be fun? I think such an arrangement, which has been proposed by
- many, would lead to total chaos (like the CB BAND)... Whatever
- spectrum space was set aside would be crowded with stations, and no
- longer any fun to listen to.
- For those who DO DARE The Friendly Candy Company on Saturday Nights, we
- SWL's have the mystery and intrigue of pirate hunting. It's a great
- sport... And for the listener, there is no danger of that $1,000 fine.
- pirate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- -
- =Marquette MI: It's Not the END of the world, but you can see it from here=
- == Gary Bourgois flash@lopez (rutgers!sharkey!lopez!flash) GWN UPLink ==
- == 3.950 Nationwide Amateur Radio Nightly after 0200z=Learning Channel ==
- =============== WB8EOH = The Eccentric Old Hippie = WB8EOH ================
- --------------------
- [ I heard the "mini-editorial" on RNI about the freedom of speech
- [ and "Certain topics will not be discussed... this is no longer
- [ "free radio" statements that were made, and could not determine
- [ what the refereces were to. Anyone else know what is going on w/RNI?
- [ /john
- --------------------
- From: DECWRL::"jburnell@kean.ucs.mun.ca" "MAIL-11 Daemon"
- To: anarky::pirate
- Subj: Newfoundland Report
- Only one pirate noted last week-end, conditions did not seem very
- good. Reception with an Icom IC-R71A receiver and a random wire in the
- attic:
- W.F.R.L. (=Wonderful Free Radio London) ENGLAND 6232.7 kHz 2012-2105*
- mainly old rock tunes, asked for calls to a British number. Weak and
- tricky to copy. Believe the most recent address for this station is:
- 24 Stouting Road, Orpington, Kent, England BR6 9SJ.
- Jean Burnell, Chemistry Dept, Memorial Univ., St. John's, Newfoundland
- -----------------------
- [
- -----------------------
- From: DECWRL::"LUDFK@VAX1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU" "Dave Keppel"
- To: anarky::pirate
- Subj: weekend activities
- Hello John and all!
- Not much going on here in the world of pirating. For the past few weeks
- things havent been like they used to be. There seems to be a trend for the
- moment of "not very serious" pirate activity. Things such as null carriers
- (alot of those), ops whistling, and almost boring Qso's. I am looking
- forward to "real" programs. Last week on 7415 on Sat. I intercepted what
- appeared to be a "soap-opera" narrarative. Un-id'd and unusual.
- Last week on 7415.0 USB 10/14 at 0:54...alot of "testing, testing" stuff.
- A test transmission of "Radio Free North America". In this transmission (and
- the second which I have encountered from them) they said they would begin
- transmitting in Winter on sat. nites starting at 01:00 on 7415.0.
- Also their was qso confirmation from two or more pirates. Howard E.Lion
- of "WHDA" "We hate dead air" and his alternate id "Voice of Oz" and "KGUN"
- "Aboard the Exxon Valdez" both reported to RFNA that their signal was
- good. RFNA also went on to say that they will be running 100 watts, using
- plate modulation.
- In addition I heard what one pirate op. described as the "crooked man".
- This op. just rambles on and on about soc-political and religious issues.
- Doesn't answer any Qso's, doesnt Qsl, etc. Everybody has their own style I
- suppose.
- In addition, Commadante John of "The Revolutionary Voice of Planesville"
- with his revolutionary overtones, and a new individual named Sodomy Hussien !
- made an appearance aound 3:30 UTC. The Crisis in the Middle East probably
- piratized this guy!
- Well as Howard E Lion put it "We hate dead air-waves" and he and others are
- doing something about it. Cant wait for RFNA 01:00 Sat nites!
- dave
- -------------------
- [ I hread the QSOs that night and several folks have mentioned the
- [ monologue attribuited to "the crooked man". I never did hear the
- [ guy ID, so I'm not sure whether the attribuition was accurate, but
- [ the guy is definately bizarre! Listening to this guy ramble made
- [ me want to go check to make sure the doors and windows were locked.
- [ There ARE some disturbed folks out there, and this guy was not
- [ joking!
- [
- [ A couple of people have asked about The ACE... The Association of
- [ Clandestine Enthusiasts. I have no connection with them other than
- [ by being a satisfied subscriber, but I highly recommend it to anyone
- [ serious about DXing Pirates. There is a LOT of information given
- [ in its monthly newsletter, and it is in my opinion, certainly worth
- [ the 18$ a year membership. Lotsa news, photos, interviews, loggings,
- [ addresses etc. A sample is 2 bucks from
- [ ACE, POB 11201, Shawnee Mission KS 66207.
- [
- [ Kirk Baxter, the publisher, also maintains that ANARC BBS, which
- [ contains a Pirate section , as well as general SWL information
- [ and echoes.
- [
- [ Several stations seem to be testing in the 15.050 Mhz region.
- [ I have heard Hope R., and it seems One Voice Radio and others are
- [ trying this region out. It might be a good idea to check this freq
- [ in the 2000-2400 time frame.
- [ Thats all the news for now... Keep sending in your postings, and LISTEN
- [ THIS WEEK for Pirate activity.... it is possibly the most active time
- [ of the year for stations. 73 /john wb5oau
- [
- [-------------------------<end of digest>--------------------------